Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a form of conscious sedation that we may recommend to ensure that you have a comfortable experience each time you visit our office. Administered in pill form, oral sedation is simple and easy to use. Because oral sedation is a form of conscious sedation, you will remain awake during the treatment, but you will feel more relaxed and at ease. There are many other benefits to sedation dentistry, including:

  • With oral sedation, you simply need to take a pill. It is quick and easy to use.
  • It produces the necessary amnesic effect for a comfortable experience.
  • Oral sedation typically costs less than other forms of sedation.

If you and our dentists determine that oral sedation is right for you, you will be prescribed a pill that will help you relax. You will also receive instructions to take the pill before your scheduled appointment; be certain to follow the specific instructions included with your pill. It is important that you have a family member or friend drive you to and from your appointment to provide maximum safety to yourself and others. When you arrive at our office, you will be awake but extremely relaxed. You may feel drowsy, and it is not unusual for you to not remember all of the details of your appointment.

For more information about the benefits of oral sedation and how we can make your visit more comfortable, please call our office today.

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